Centralize and delegate the management of email signatures

No more HTML code, update procedures or requests to create a new signature...
Let marketing manage email signatures on their own.
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Connect your directory securely

Connect your Google Workspace Directory (GSuite) and/or Microsoft Office 365. Map your directory fields directly in Signitic and keep your data up to date.
Connect your directory securely


Complies with the RGPD and hosted in France.
Auto update


Your data is updated daily.
Auto mapping


Automatic segmentation based on user attributes.

Automated segmentation

Create a detailed segmentation of your users by mapping your fields. Signitic will automatically and easily combine department, brand, etc. Your employees will be attached to the right entity without any manual action.
Automate segmentation


Infinite segmentation to create your communication segments.


Manage all your brands and subsidiaries from a single account.


Signitic automatically generates your segmentation.

Centralized and automatic deployment

Secure and automatic, Signitic can be deployed quickly and easily!

Deploy in a few clicks on all your tools: OWA, Outlook Windows, Gmail, AppleMail...
Centralized and automatic deployment


One-click deployment on all workstations


Thanks to our Google and Microsoft certifications
Any customer


Compatible with the majority of email clients
Compliant and secure

Compliant and secure

Our solution scrupulously respects the RGPD, including transparency, traceability, the integration of data protection by design and by default, as well as the security of the data processed. We are also committed to providing assistance, alert, and advice in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Our host, AWS FRANCE located in Paris (eu-west-3), holds ISO27001 and SOC certifications, thus guaranteeing a first-class level of security.

Partner with your partners

For several years, Signitic has been certified Google Partner and Microsoft Partner.

Microsoft partnerGoogle partner

How does it work?

Nothing could be easier! We retrieve your data from your directory and distribute the signatures and campaigns to the workstations of your employees. Automatic and secure!

Discover our features

Signitic has always developed a solution that meets the needs of all these customers.

You are in good hands!

P&P Promotions

“It is THE easy, intuitive and optimized email signature management platform for the majority of email messages. THE big bonus: a pleasant, available and responsive support service!”

P&P Promotions
Cherry Pick

“I discovered Signitic at the very beginning of their adventure and since then I have deployed the tool in all the companies I have worked with. Signitic has become an obvious choice in order to manage its email signatures, but also its campaigns thanks to the various integrations offered. Getting started is simple and Signitic saves a considerable amount of time later. Whether for a small team or when you have a large number of employees and subsidiaries, the tool makes it easy to strengthen your branding.”

Cherry Pick
Cabinet New Executive Search Solution

“Looking for a simple solution to harmonize and keep our email signatures up to date, we chose Signitic. Simple to deploy without being an IT expert and easy to make professional signatures. Definitely recommended for organizations like ours on a human scale and without a dedicated IT organization. Thanks Signitic!”

Cabinet New Executive Search Solution
Once for All

“Signitic is the tool made in France that allowed us to simplify and centralize the creation of signatures for our various entities on a single tool!”

Once for All
Terrade School

“Beyond the graphic quality of the signatures created via Signitic, this tool allowed us to gain consistency, to unify our email communication but also to set up effective marketing campaigns. The tool is easy to use and the team is always responsive to answer us if we have any questions!”

Terrade School
Valoris Avocats

“We are very satisfied with the service from Signitic, the customer service is very responsive and the tool is updated regularly!”

Valoris Avocats
Card signature mockupSignature card SigniticSignature card SigniticCard signature mockupSignature card SigniticCard signature mockup

Say goodbye to wasting time chasing your colleagues

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