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Our solution is RGPD compliant with the obligation of transparency and traceability.
Choose where your data is hosted between our 3 ISO27001 and SOC certified partners:
Google Cloud Platform (France), Microsoft Azure (France), or AWS (France).
"I find the tool simple to use and a great way to standardize signatures across an organization. Courteous and prompt service when we need assistance."
"An excellent automated email signature management solution. A hyper-responsive team, with a real sense of service, always in a good mood! Courir POUR ELLES is delighted to be using the Signitic solution, with no regrets."
"Signitic is powerful, easy to use and allows me to highlight the various services, an essential for any company because the signature can be modified simply, and the responsiveness of the team is perfect, I recommend 100%."
"Simple, effective and easy to set up, the tool enabled us to harmonize all the signatures but also to customize them by department! What's more, the platform used to centralize the management and creation of signatures is intuitive. In short, we couldn't do without it! Thank you Lyonnais 🇫🇷"
"Signitic is quick and easy to use, with an ultra-responsive team that enabled us to get our hands on the signatures in just a few clicks."
"Signitic is easy to get to grips with, as is the administration aspect; it's an easy tool to grasp and use."