A reliable and well-thought-out platform for businesses looking for efficiency.

The Fonds de Recherche du Québec supports and promotes excellence in research in various fields such as natural sciences, health... To optimize the management of its internal and external communications, the organization uses Signitic, in order to offer effective and customizable management of email signatures.

Fonds de Recherche du Québec

Gilles Boivin, Senior IT Technician, uses the Signitic platform for his business to standardize brand image with standardized email signatures, ensure simplified centralized management through rapid deployment on Outlook, and optimize operational time by automating signature updates and personalization, thus reducing manual efforts and errors.

Successful campaigns

The Fonds de Recherche du Québec's 2025 Greetings campaign was distinguished by its large number of clicks, combining a festive banner and optimal visibility thanks to the active participation of all collaborators, thus guaranteeing coherent communication and maximum impact on recipients for four weeks.

Concrete results

In one year and 1.9 million emails sent, signatures and campaigns integrated via Signitic generated 11,000 clicks. The flexibility of the tool has proven to be valuable on a daily basis, allowing rapid adjustments to meet marketing and organizational needs, while ensuring consistent and responsive communication.

Download for free

Immerse yourself in the business communications world of tomorrow with Signitic and discover the secrets to improve every email you send.
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